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单机游戏大全-Nearly half a million working

时间:2024-09-20 08:44:49 来源:百年之后网 作者:科技 阅读:729次
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close Harris didn't have meaningful conversations about slowing the flow of migrants: Former Border Patrol ChiefVideo

Harris didn't have meaningful conversations about slowing the flow of migrants: Former Border Patrol Chief

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott says it was 'common knowledge' the vice president was assigned responsibility over the border on 'Fox News Live.'

Over 450,000 Massachusetts residents have limited English-language proficiency, a new report finds.

Officials will make connections with federal agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and migrant families "to educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts."

Many Democratic-run states and cities have struggled to cope with the numbers of migrants they are seeing. Multiple mayors have urged the Biden administration to give them more federal funding, as well as expedited work permits to help migrants get jobs more quickly and be less reliant on social services.

Fox News' Adam Shaw contributed to this report.


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